
Showing posts from March, 2019


HOW DO YOU FIND YOUR PERSONAL STYLE? defining your style is important because it allows you to communicate who you are to the world, just by what you choose to put on. A defined personal style . before I share my advice  for finding and defining your style, we  first have to talk about what personal style is not.Your style should be dynamic. it will chage as you grow and reflect the changes you experience in your lifestyle. Style is your fashion personality- its the vibe,feelings that you convey through the pieces you choose to wear. not only can style empower us and boost your confidence.

office work outfits

Everything boils down to your dressing style! so. girls it's time for you to pay attention to your office work because they play a significant role in creating a good imagge. in short , the way you select your outfit will change the way others perceive you. for example, if you are going to give a presentation in a meeting, then you should go for a complete professional look for office work.  outfits are an important part of the office work as they present an image of yourself as a woman who is confident. people will pay attention and take note of what you say in the meetings only if you pay close attention to your outfits. for example if you are going to participate in meetings with your collegues , you can opt for different office work outfits depending upon the weather. the most important thing is, you should look out for the comfort factor when you choose your attire.  office work outifits

Simplify Your life

SET MONTHLY GOALS Set yourself 1 -3 goals each month. FOLLOW A QUICK MORNING ROUTINE being a productive routine is essential.and this i mean one that works for you. no two people's will be the same- but creating good habits around how you set up your day and divide your day in to productive time STAy focused :  goals planner has been created to help you achieve this. REFLECT ON THE POSITIVE Read positive quotes .

Habits of successful people

I love reading about the habits of successful people because if they're successful then clearly they're doing something right. BREAK YOUR BIG GOALS INTO SMALL GOALS when you have a big goal to focus on far in to the future, when you look at the day to day it can feel so far away. the way to get around that is to create small goals that are actionable to get  you to your top goal.This way you have more mini successes on your way to the top,so it doesn't feel like you're not accomplishing anything. thee small goals are stepping stones to your big picture goal, so it makes it feel so much good. MEDITATE meditation helps with stress and anxiety,which seems to be on the rise these days. being z business owner can definately be stressful and help you tackle some of your more difficult task with ease. KEEP A JOURNAL Its also a great way to document the growth of your will be the fun in the future to read back on some of your journal entries and