
Showing posts from February, 2019

self care

                             Self-care is any activity that we engage in to take care of our personal needs and well-being. It's very important  to our mental and overall health .  self-care isn’t only for those who struggle with mental illness. It is important that we all take the time to do things for our own well-being because it will refresh and recharge us so that we can feel and be at our best. Self-care improves our lives in different areas and in different ways, all of which are important to our overall health. By taking care of ourselves and our needs, we’re telling ourselves, ‘I deserve this’. And we do. This enables us to figure out what we do and don’t like and, if we discover new interests, it can potentially lead to new passions and goals. a variety of easy and beneficial self-care ideas that you can start implementing on a regular basis Keep a diary or journal and write down any and all of your thoughts whenever you feel like sharing something,

why travel is essential

                                   Travel is important because it fundamentally transforms us.  there are many reasons why travelling is important.     Life goals are put into perspective when you are able to get away from the stressors in your life , it opens your mind what is really important.this gives you the opportunity to look at the world from a larger point of view and remind yourself that you are not stuck in the same place you have always been, the world is yours t explore. you have the opportunity to explore new things   travelling allows you to gain new knowledge on different cultures and different styles of living. The food Travelling is the  best opportunity to pig out on new and exciting foods .The way people in other cultures and countries prepare food. Remind yourself what you want out of life Travelling is the best way to allow yourself to put the world into perspective. Travelling helps you learn new languages There's so


            WARDROBE ESSENTIALS FOR EVERY WOMAN While trends come and go . There are wardrobe essential that'll last a lifetime. button shirt  the button-up shirt always strikes a balance between looking casual and polished. Wear it with jeans or a pencil skirt depending on where you need to be.  black dress Perhaps more than any other piece of clothing, the little black dress is, women have been told,  the  essential, the one that will take you practically anywhere. pumps A classic pump has a seamless vamp and is made without laces, buckles, straps or ties. denim jacket The denim jacket is an interesting piece of clothing, in that it's never really gone out of style, but it's always been a little bit openly unfashionable. simple flats Ballet flats, Dolly  shoes , or simply flats, are similar to/inspired by a woman's ballet shoe , with a very thin heel or the appearance of no heel at all. . black pant Whether

Healthy lifestyle

                                  Healthy lifestyle when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, one of the most important things you can do is simply striving for consistency.  no matter how busy life gets or how much your schedule changes on a daily basis, try to eat the same balance of whole foods, consume a similar number of calories, and work in a consistent amount of physical activity. start the day with a glass of water This shoould be a default morning routine for a healthy lifestyle. water gives you healthy start because it helps in the proper circulation of nutrients in the body. water serves as the body's transportation system. Consume a healthy breakfast within the first hour of waking up A healthy lifestyle has a lot to do with your meal timings. since breakfast is the most important meal of a day. some tips are  best time to have breakfast the optimum time to have breakfast is 7 am . Qualities of breakfast breakfast should be healthi

fashion tips for girls

                                           fashion tips when you wakeup in the morning , what is the first thing you think of: need coffee time to work out  breakfast what i'm going to wear today  all of the above GETTING DRESSES IN THE MORNING SHOULD BE FUN AND ENERGIZING. YOU ARE , AFTER ALL,SETTING THE REST OF THE DAY. be a planner  If you're trying to stay trim, plan your outfits in advance for stress- free mornings and outfit regret free days. follow stylish women find a few fashionistas whose style you admire, then use their photos as inspiration  to create daily looks. consider who you are As you explore fashion, think about what the things  you like to say about you and about how you can wear. dress for the weather It sound simple enough, but dressing sensibly goes a long way in the style department. check the weather before you leave  the house . only wear clothes that fit and flatter despite how much