Healthy lifestyle

                                 Healthy lifestyle

when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle,
one of the most important things you can do is simply striving for consistency. 

no matter how busy life gets or how much your schedule changes on a daily basis, try to eat the same balance of whole foods, consume a similar number of calories, and work in a consistent amount of physical activity.

start the day with a glass of water

This shoould be a default morning routine for a healthy lifestyle.
water gives you healthy start because it helps in the proper circulation of nutrients in the body. water serves as the body's transportation system.

Consume a healthy breakfast within the first hour of waking up

A healthy lifestyle has a lot to do with your meal timings. since breakfast is the most important meal of a day. some tips are 

best time to have breakfast

the optimum time to have breakfast is 7 am .

Qualities of breakfast

breakfast should be healthier, heavier,and eaten at earliest.

make some time for morning exercise routine

We know morning could be hectic time but try taking time out for at least 15 minutes of morning exercise for fit
It could something simple like spot , jogging, squats or surya namaskars.

Don't skip any nutrientgroup throuout the day

A healthy lifesstyle is very much about having all the food groups in your diet

Consume healthy snacks every 2 to 3 hours

you may have a healthy diet plan but as long as you don't account for snacks , you may fail at leading a healthy lifestyle.



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